LDS Lesson Ideas

Rainier Oregon Stake

Prophets Teach and Warn


Filed under: Book of Mormon, Lesson 10: King Benjamin Teaches His People, , ,

King Benjamin

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Illustrated by Beth M. Whittaker


“King Benjamin,” Friend, Jun 1992, 5

Consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God (Mosiah 2:41).

I can be reverent by showing respect, honor, and love for myself.

King Benjamin had a clear conscience because he cared for himself by working hard and serving the Lord and the people diligently.

Read: Mosiah 1:9–14; Mosiah 2:6–9, 17, 41; Mosiah 3:5–10; Mosiah 4:1–4, 9–11, 30; Mosiah 5:15

Instructions: Color the figures, and mount them on heavy paper; then cut out the figures and glue pieces of flannel on the backs. Read the scriptures listed, then retell the Book of Mormon story using the figures.

Filed under: Book of Mormon, Lesson 10: King Benjamin Teaches His People, , , , , , , , ,

Be a Righteous Leader

Pat Graham, “Sharing Time: Be a Righteous Leader,” Friend, Aug 1988, 36

When ye are in the service of your fellow beings ye are only in the service of your God (Mosiah 2:17).

King Benjamin was a righteous leader. He served his people and wanted them to keep the commandments. When he became old, he gathered his people at the temple to speak to them. The people brought their families and pitched their tents. Because there was such a multitude, King Benjamin had a tower built to speak from so that more people could hear his counsel. He had his words written down and sent among the people who couldn’t hear him. He wanted everyone to understand what they should do to be happy. King Benjamin loved his people. He set a good example for them, and they believed his words.

Today you can be a leader and help others live happily. You may never build a tower to speak from, but you can learn to lead your family and friends by righteously serving them.


1. Cut out King Benjamin, empty scroll, statements, and tower.

2. Read statements about King Benjamin as you glue them between steps of tower. (Compare Mosiah 2 and Mosiah 4.) Cut slits marked with broken lines and place King Benjamin on tower between railing.

Taught them to keep the commandments (See Mosiah 2:4.) Did not boast or claim to be better than anyone else (See Mosiah 2:26.)
Delivered them from their enemies (See Mosiah 2:14.) Labored with the people (See Mosiah 2:14.)
Did not tax the people and was not paid for his services (See Mosiah 2:12.) Taught the people that when you serve your fellowman, you are serving the Lord (See Mosiah 2:17.)
Served with all his might, mind, and strength (See Mosiah 2:11.) Loved his people and warned them not to rebel against God (See Mosiah 2:36–69.)

3. Find at least ten things in Mosiah 4 that King Benjamin taught his people. Write these on the scroll.

4. Make a list of some things that you might teach others by your example.

Sharing Time Ideas

1. Honor those who serve you righteously—family, church, school, community leaders. As a group or as individuals, children could write a letter, telling how they are trying to do what a particular leader, such as bishop, has taught them to do.

2. Pretend that you or children are leader(s) of new country. Discuss what rules and laws would be needed so that people living in new country would be happy.

3. Sing “Quiet Song” (Sing with Me, B-27). Emphasize words, “As we learn to do right, We are reverent in thy sight.”

[illustrations] Illustrated by Rudy Anderson

Filed under: Book of Mormon, Lesson 10: King Benjamin Teaches His People, , ,


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