LDS Lesson Ideas

Rainier Oregon Stake

Questions and Answers about the Temple

What is a temple?

A temple is a sacred place to worship Heavenly Father.

It is a place to make covenants with Heavenly Father.

It is a place to feel His Spirit.

It is a place of reverence, peace, beauty, and learning.

When can I go to the temple?

You can go to see a temple at any age. Your family can walk or drive around the temple grounds.

If you are worthy, when you are 12 you can go inside the temple and be baptized for people who didn’t get baptized when they lived on earth. Baptismal fonts in temples are set on the backs of 12 oxen. The oxen represent the twelve tribes of Israel.

When you are an adult, you can go to the temple to receive your endowment. The endowment is a gift of knowledge and blessings from Heavenly Father.

What are some other rooms in the temple?

After you receive your endowment, you go into the celestial room. The beauty and reverence help you feel close to Heavenly Father.

A sealing room is where a man and a woman are sealed in marriage for eternity. They receive blessings, and if they are faithful they and their children will be together for eternity.

What is a temple recommend?

To enter another country, you need a passport to show that you are a citizen of your country. To enter the temple, you need a temple recommend to show that you are a worthy member of the Church. Beginning at age 12, young men and young women may get a temple recommend to do baptisms for the dead. Young men need to hold the Aaronic Priesthood. You can get a recommend by going to your bishop or branch president or one of his counselors. He will ask you if you keep the commandments and if you have a testimony. If you do, he will sign your recommend, showing that you are worthy to enter the house of the Lord. Children who are going to the temple to be sealed to their parents also receive recommends.

What do I wear to the temple?

You should wear the same kind of modest, clean clothes that you wear on Sundays when you go to church.

What do I wear in the temple?

After you enter the temple, you will be given white clothes to change into. In the temple everyone wears white.

Why is a statue of the angel Moroni on top of many temples?

Moroni wrote the last book of the Book of Mormon on the gold plates and buried the plates in the Hill Cumorah. Many years later, Joseph Smith translated the plates. Moroni reminds us that the gospel has been restored to the earth.

Can people who are not members of the Church go inside temples?

After a temple is built but before it is dedicated, an open house is held. Those who attend are invited to walk through the temple with a guide who explains the purpose of temples and why they are so important to members of the Church. After temples are dedicated, only Church members with temple recommends may enter.

Where in the scriptures can I read about temples?

Isaiah prophesied about temples: Isaiah 2:1–3

Jesus taught in the temple when He was 12 years old: Luke 2:42–49

Jesus taught in the temple during His ministry: John 8:2

Jesus cast people who were buying and selling out of the temple: Matthew 21:12–14

Jesus taught daily in the temple: Mark 14:49

Nephi built a temple: 2 Nephi 5:16

King Benjamin spoke to the Nephites at the temple in Zarahemla: Mosiah 1:18–2:7

Christ appeared at the temple in Bountiful: 3 Nephi 11:1–17

The Lord described what a temple is like: D&C 88:119


Filed under: Sharing Time, Temples, , , , , , , , , , ,

Sharing Time: A Place of Love and Beauty

Who shall stand in his holy place? He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart. (Ps. 24:3–4.)

A Place of Love and Beauty

Have you ever seen a temple lighted at night or walked on the temple grounds during the day? Do you have a picture of a temple in your home? Do you have a happy, peaceful feeling when you see a temple? Why are temples such special places? Other buildings are also built with the finest materials and landscaped with beautiful flowers. But temples are places where Heavenly Father and His Spirit may dwell. Each is a house of the Lord.

All of Heavenly Father’s children who are worthy and old enough can enter the temple to learn more about His plan of happiness. In a temple, worthy members of the Church covenant with (make promises to) Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father, in turn, makes promises to them.

Members of the Church go to the temple to participate in ordinances * for themselves. Many receive these ordinances when they are preparing for a mission or marriage. They also go to the temple to perform ordinances in behalf of those who have died. For example, young people who are worthy and at least twelve years old can go to the temple to do baptisms for the dead. Children who are at least eight years old can attend temple dedications. Younger children may enter the temple to be sealed to their parents.

In each case, those who enter must be clean in body and spirit “because the Lord hath said he dwelleth not in unholy temples” (Alma 34:36).

Before you go to the temple, your bishop or branch president interviews you and asks you about your testimony and if you are keeping the commandments and following the prophet. Only then does he sign a recommend that allows you to enter the temple to participate in ordinances or to attend temple dedications. When you are an adult, an additional interview takes place with the stake president or mission president if you want to go to the temple to be endowed, married, or sealed.

Each day as you choose to live the commandments, keep your baptismal covenants, and try to be more like Jesus Christ, you are preparing to go to the temple. If you are pure and clean when you enter the temple, you will feel His Spirit. The temple will always be a place of love and beauty for you.

The Temple—I’m Going There Someday

Make a temple booklet to add information to throughout the coming year.

  1. Remove page 31 from the magazine. Glue it onto construction paper, then trim it.
  2. Glue a photograph or drawing of yourself in the space on the front cover. Write your name on the line. Enter information about a temple dedication that you know about or learn about during the coming year on the back cover.
  3. Fold the covers along the hinges and punch holes where indicated. Fold or cut paper to fit in the notebook and punch holes in the pages, aligning the holes with the ones in the covers. Place the blank pages between the two covers.
  4. Thread a 2′ (60 cm) piece of string or yarn through the holes and tie a bow on the front of the booklet. Record the things you learn about temples this year in your booklet and share them with your family.

Illustrated by Brad Teare

I Love to See the Temple My Name I’m going there someday. Your picture here My record of the dedication of the _____________________ Temple Dedication date: ____________________________ Dedicatory prayer given by: ____________________________ In the prayer, he said: ____________________________ ____________________________ It made me think: ____________________________ ____________________________ I can prepare to go to the temple by: ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ I will go to the temple. ____________________________ Your name ____________________________ Date ____________________________
Sharing Time Ideas

(Note: All songs are from Children’s Songbook unless otherwise indicated. GAK = Gospel Art Kit; TNGC = Teaching, No Greater Call)

1. Discuss the times when Jesus Christ went to the temple in Jerusalem during His mortal ministry. He went as a young boy and declared He was doing Heavenly Father’s work (see Luke 2:41–49); He drove out the people who were defiling it (see John 2:13–17); He taught at the temple (Matt. 21:23–46; John 7:14–53).

Ask a child to step out of the room. Hide a picture that represents one of the following things we need to do to be worthy of going to the temple: baptism, paying tithing, living the Word of Wisdom, being kind to family members, sustaining the prophet, gaining a testimony of the Savior. Bring the child back into the room and have him or her search for the picture. Have the rest of the children sing “I Love to See the Temple” (p. 95), singing louder as the child gets closer to the picture and softer as he or she moves away from the picture. Once the picture is found, discuss how the principle represented will help the children prepare to go to the temple. Explain that finding the picture was easier when the child listened to those who were trying to guide him or her. Explain that it is easy to be ready to go to the temple if we study the scriptures and follow the teachings of the prophet, other Church leaders, and parents. Sing a song that relates to the picture: tithing—“I’m Glad to Pay a Tithing” (p. 150); Word of Wisdom—“The Lord Gave Me a Temple” (p. 153); love for family members—“A Happy Family” (p. 198); heeding the prophet—“Follow the Prophet” (pp. 110–111); gaining a testimony of the Savior—“The Church of Jesus Christ” (p. 77).

2. Teach the relationship between the covenants we make and the blessings we receive. Hang the following pictures from the GAK down the middle of a wall: baptism (601), gift of the Holy Ghost (602), sacrament (604), and temple marriage (609). On one side of the pictures, post a wordstrip that says I Promise; on the other side, The Lord’s Blessings. Divide the children into four groups. Have a teacher direct each group in reading one of the following scriptures and then discussing the covenants (promises) and blessings mentioned: Mosiah 18:8–10; D&C 121:45–46; D&C 20:75–79; D&C 109:20–23.

Prepare two containers for holding wordstrips with quotations from the above scriptures. Label one container “I Promise” and the other “The Lord’s Blessings.” In the I Promise container, put these twelve wordstrips: Bear one another’s burdens, Mourn with those that mourn, Stand as witnesses of God, Serve Him, Be full of charity, Let virtue garnish thy thoughts unceasingly, Take upon them the name of Thy Son, Always remember Him, Keep His commandments, No unclean thing shall be permitted to come into Thy house, Reverence Thee in Thy house, and Bear exceedingly great and glorious tidings.

In the The Lord’s Blessings container, put these ten wordstrips: Be redeemed of God, Numbered with those of the first resurrection, Have eternal life, Pour out His Spirit more abundantly, Confidence wax strong in the presence of God, The Holy Ghost shall be thy constant companion, Always have His Spirit to be with them, Armed with Thy [God’s] power, Thy glory [will] be round about them, and Thine angels have charge over them.

Have the children take turns choosing a wordstrip from either of the containers and reading it out loud. Have the group whose scripture the quote comes from raise their hands and tell which ordinance it pertains to. Have the child hang the wordstrip under the correct heading by the picture depicting that ordinance. Repeat until all of the wordstrips are in place. Sing “Covenants Are Promises” (Friend, Aug. 1999, p. 38) or “Keep the Commandments” (pp. 146–147). Bear your testimony of the blessings we receive from keeping our covenants.

For younger children: Divide the children into three groups. Have a Primary leader assigned to each group prepare in advance simple materials (props, costumes, flannel-board figures, etc.) for the children to present their story. Have the leader tell the story to their group, then help the group prepare to share the story with the rest of the Primary. Stories: “Abraham Covenants with the Lord” (Gen. 22:1–18; Friend, Aug. 1998, pp. 34–35); “Joseph ‘Holds to the Iron Rod’” (Gen. 39–41; Friend, July 1998, pp. 42–43); the people of Ammon bury their weapons (Alma 23–24; Friend, Aug. 2000, pp. 34–35).

3. Learn “I Love to See the Temple” (p. 95) by cutting out four pieces of paper to form a simple foundation and three spires of a temple. On the foundation, write “love” and “see.” On the left spire, write “feel,” “listen,” and “pray.” On the middle spire, “house of God,” and on the right spire, “prepare” and “young.” For younger children, use simple pictures instead of words. Ask the children to discover which three senses are mentioned as you sing the first two lines of the song. As you sing, place the foundation and the first spire on a flannel board. Have the children name which senses were mentioned. Explain how feeling with your hands is different from feeling the Spirit. Have everyone sing the first two lines. Ask them to find three things that a temple is (a house of God, a place of love, a place of beauty) as you sing the next line. Add the middle spire as the children sing the third line with you. As you sing the final line, have the children discover what their sacred duty is (“prepare myself while I am young”). Place the final spire on the flannel board as the children sing that line. Sing the entire first verse several times. As you do, remove the strips one by one until the children can sing the song without the wordstrips. Teach the second verse in a similar manner.

4. Check with your priesthood advisor first to see if this activity will work in your meetinghouse without disrupting others in the building. If not, designate areas of the children’s meeting room to represent the rooms mentioned. Divide the children into groups and take them on a tour of the meetinghouse, much as they might go on a tour of a temple during an open house. (See Friend, Feb. 1993, pp. 2–4 and Jan. 2001, p. 22.) Ask them to be reverent and listen to the guides who will explain how a temple is similar to and different from a meetinghouse. Have an adult accompany each group, as well as a guide at each of the following stops:

Chapel—a gathering place in both buildings.

Classroom—similar to an ordinance room because it is where we are taught what Heavenly Father wants us to know and do.

Baptismal font (if there is not one in your building, use a picture)—in a meetinghouse baptisms are performed for the living; in the temple baptisms are performed for the dead.

Kitchen—in a meetinghouse, a place to serve food for ward or stake activities; in some temples there are cafeterias where food is served.

Bishop or branch president’s office—the bishop or branch president is responsible for his ward or branch; each temple has a temple president’s office. The temple president is responsible for the temple and the work done there. If possible, have the bishop or branch president explain what a temple recommend is at this stop.

Return to the Primary room and explain that temples have some other special rooms, such as the celestial room and sealing rooms. Have the children sing “I Love to See the Temple” (p. 95). Invite a speaker to talk about his or her experiences at a temple open house or dedication.

5. Tell the story “Samuel’s Scriptures” (Friend, Jan. 1998, pp. 2–3). Have the children mark D&C 131:2–4 in their scriptures. Hand out pieces of paper cut to fit in the children’s temple booklet (see Sharing Time, pp. 30–31). Have the children list five reasons why they want to be married in the temple. Ask them to add this sheet to their temple booklets.

For younger children: Enlarge the game board in the back of the Primary 2 manual. Change the beginning space to “Not Preparing to Go to the Temple” and the ending space to “Preparing to Go to the Temple.” Color the spaces on the board five different colors, and in a sack have five small pieces of paper the same colors. Divide into two or more teams. Provide a marker for each team. Play the game, having a team member take at random a piece of paper, move their marker as directed, and return the colored paper to the sack. Read what the square says and briefly discuss why what is written will or will not help us prepare to go to the temple. The arrow on each square indicates which direction the team will move on its next turn. Have the teams take turns and continue playing until all the teams reach “Preparing to Go to the Temple.” If possible, give the children copies of the game board to color and take home to play as a family home evening activity.

6. Additional Friend resources: “Keeping My Promise,” Aug. 1998, pp. 12–13, 11; “Temple Light,” Aug. 1999, p. 19; “I Can Keep My Covenant,” Aug. 1999, pp. 44–46; Friend to Friend, May 2000, pp. 6–7; “Sticking to Standards,” May 2000, p. 47. Additional resources: “Nauvoo’s Holy Temple,” Ensign, Sep. 1994, pp. 59–62; “Building Temples, Building Lives,” Ensign, Oct. 2000, pp. 23–27.

Filed under: Family, Lesson 26: Families Can Be Together Forever, Sharing Time, Temples, , , ,

I Have a Family Here on Earth

By Linda Christensen

The family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”).

I Have a Family Here on Earth

How many people are in your family? Where does your family live? What do you like doing with your family? How do you feel about your family?

In 1995, President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008) introduced “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” which teaches that “the family is central to the Creator’s plan for the eternal destiny of His children.” Heavenly Father planned for you to come to earth and belong to a family. He knew that you needed a loving family to help you grow and learn how to return to Him someday.

Gather for family home evening and invite your family to read the proclamation. Talk about what it teaches, and choose ways that you can work together to strengthen your family. Sing this Primary song to remind you that families can be together forever.

I have a family here on earth. They are so good to me.
I want to share my life with them through all eternity.
Fam’lies can be together forever through Heav’nly Father’s plan.
I always want to be with my own family,
And the Lord has shown me how I can.
The Lord has shown me how I can.
(“Families Can Be Together Forever,” Children’s Songbook, 188).


Cut out the frame on the broken lines. Glue short edges together to make a cylinder. Punch two holes in the top as shown, and tie yarn or string through them to make a loop for hanging. Cut six streamers out of paper. On each streamer, write one way you can strengthen your family. Attach the streamers to the bottom of the wind sock.

Illustration by Thomas S. Child

Sharing Time Ideas

(Note: All songs are from Children’s Songbook unless otherwise noted; GAK = Gospel Art Picture Kit; TNGC = Teaching, No Greater Call.)

  1. Play a simple guessing game by giving a series of clues to introduce the monthly theme on the family (see “Examples of Games,” TNGC, 169). When the children have discovered the answer, write the word family on the chalkboard.

    Share the story of Lehi traveling into the wilderness (see 1 Nephi 2). Invite the children to share ideas from the story that could strengthen a family, and list the ideas on the chalkboard. Sing “Book of Mormon Stories” (pp. 118–19), verse three.

    Share the story of Noah (see Genesis 6–8). Invite the children to share ideas from the story that could strengthen a family. List the ideas on the chalkboard. Sing “Follow the Prophet” (pp. 110–11), verse three.

    Provide copies of the family tree from Primary 3, lesson 39, p. 196. Invite the children to put names of parents and siblings in the tree and write or draw on the back of the paper ways they can strengthen their family. Bear testimony of how the scriptures teach us ways to strengthen our families.

  2. Using simple figures of people that can be combined to make families, or using the children themselves, invite children to come forward and make a family similar to their own. Talk about how families are the same and how they are different. (This discussion should follow the teachings in the proclamation.)

    Read Ephesians 6:1–4. Explain that each member of a family has a divine role. Help the children memorize these phrases from the scripture: “Children, obey your parents” and “Honour thy father and mother.”

    Write the words honor and obey on the chalkboard. Explain that the word honor means to show respect for our parents, and the word obey describes our actions when we show that respect. Sing verses one and two of “Quickly I’ll Obey” (p. 197).

    Prepare several case studies (see “Case Studies,” TNGC, 161–62) to help the children apply in their lives the principles of honoring and obeying parents. Sing the phrase “quickly I’ll obey” between each case study. Bear testimony of the importance of honoring and obeying parents.

    For older children: Give each class a scriptural account of children honoring and obeying parents. Invite them to read the account and then briefly share the story with the rest of the Primary. (Examples: Abraham and Isaac, Naomi and Ruth, Alma and Helaman, Lehi and Nephi, Mormon and Moroni.)

  3. Show a personal family photo or GAK 616 (Family Togetherness). Show Family Home Evening Video Supplement, 1. “Fortifying Your Family.” (Because the narration in this video segment is for parents, explain to the children that the sound will be turned off, and that you would like them to watch for ways the family protected themselves from the storm and what they did to strengthen their family.)

    Invite the children to share what they noticed from the video. Make a short list on the chalkboard. Compare the list with the Faith in God Award requirements in the Faith in God guidebooks, pages 4–5. Emphasize how scripture study, individual and family prayer, and family home evening can strengthen our families.

    Provide a copy of the wind-sock activity on page 14 in this month’s Friend. Review the instructions and gather the necessary materials to complete this activity during sharing time. Invite the children to write “scripture study,” “prayer,” and “family home evening” on the streamers of the wind sock.

    Sing a song that reinforces scripture study, prayer, or family home evening. (Suggested songs: “Search, Ponder, and Pray” [p. 109], “Family Prayer” [p. 189], “Family Night” [p. 195], or “Families Can Be Together Forever” [p. 188].) Bear testimony of how these activities strengthen your family.

  4. Write the weekly gospel principle on the chalkboard as shown:

    The p___________ can b______ and s__________ my f_______. Sing the first line of “The Priesthood Is Restored” (p. 89). Have the children listen for a word to complete the first blank in the sentence. When the children guess correctly, write the word priesthood in the first blank. Sing the first two lines of the second verse of “Love Is Spoken Here” (pp. 190–91). Have the children listen for two words that will complete the next two blanks in the sentence. When the children guess the words blessed and strength, explain that to help the message make sense, you will need to change the words to bless and strengthen. Write them in the blanks. Sing the first line of “Families Can Be Together Forever” (p. 188). Listen for the word that completes the sentence. Write in the word family, and then read the sentence together.

    Use the following pictures from the Primary 2 picture packet: 2-20, 2-27, 2-29, 2-30, 2-31, 2-32, 2-33. Give each class a pencil, a piece of paper, and a picture of a priesthood ordinance. Ask them to keep their picture a secret so they can play a guessing game. Ask each class to think of three clues that would help someone guess the priesthood ordinance shown in their picture, and write them on the paper. Invite each class to share their clues, and let the Primary guess what priesthood ordinance they are describing. As each ordinance is discovered, place the picture on the chalkboard. Invite children and teachers to share positive experiences that have blessed their lives or the lives of their family that relate to each priesthood ordinance. Bear testimony of how the priesthood blesses and strengthens families.

  5. Song presentation: “Home”(p. 192). Gather pictures of homes, or invite children to draw pictures of homes. Display the pictures and explain that even though homes look different, they are all places that provide shelter for a family.Teach the melody of the song by using the pictures of the homes as visual clues. Invite children to the front of the room to hold the pictures. Hum or play the first phrase of the song, and help the children discover the melody line by placing the pictures at different levels to match the melody line of the phrase. Teach one phrase at a time until the melody is learned.

    Explain that this song teaches important truths about a home. Ask, “What is in a home?” Sing the first phrase to the children and have them listen for the answer (“heart”). Ask the children to touch their heart as you sing that phrase together. Next, ask them to listen for two words that describe feelings in our hearts. Sing the second phrase to the children and get their responses (“warmth” and “love”). Sing the second phrase together. Explain the meaning of the word abound. Teach the third phrase by asking the children to listen for words that describe a hug. Sing the third phrase and get responses (“warm, circling arms”). Sing the phrase together. As you sing the last phrase, hold your arms out in front of you as if you were going to hug another person, then as you sing the phrase bring your arms close to you and give yourself a hug. Sing the final phrase with the children. Sing the first verse together. Bear testimony of the blessings of a home.

    Continue to ask questions that focus the children’s listening, and sing to the children as you teach verses two and three.

  6. Friend references: “Love at Home,” Sept. 2004, 42–43; “Strengthen the Family,” May 2000, 45; “Pie Dough to Play Dough,” Nov. 2006, 38–40; “Strengthening My Family,” June 2004, 36–37; “A Perfect Match,” Oct. 2006, 20–22; “A Brother’s Example,” Dec. 2005, 8–9.

Filed under: Family, Lesson 26: Families Can Be Together Forever, , , ,

Member-Missionary Journal

By Laurie H. Fifield

And if it so be that you … bring … one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy (D&C 18:15).

Tuesday, September 27

We had a busy weekend. Dad talked with Mrs. Thompson Saturday morning, and she said she couldn’t wait till Tuesday. So the missionaries came that night and the next night, and tonight too. And she asked to be baptized! Heavenly Father answered our prayers, even though it wasn’t the way I expected. The Browns are still our friends, and maybe someday they’ll want to learn about the Church and get baptized too. I hope so. Meanwhile, I’ve already written to tell Nancy the good news about Mrs. Thompson. I guess I know a little about how she feels being a missionary. It feels GREAT!

Friday, September 23

I felt sad all day because the Browns don’t want to listen to the missionaries. Then this afternoon the most amazing thing happened! I went to Mrs. Thompson’s house to rake leaves again. While I was raking, she came out with some milk and cookies for me, and we sat down on the porch. We started talking about families. She thinks our family is pretty special. I told her that Mom and Dad were married in the Washington Temple and that that means we’ll be together forever. She got tears in her eyes and asked me if there was a way she could learn more about being married forever. I said, “Sure—just come over to our house next Tuesday, and the missionaries will teach you.” And she’s going to come!

Thursday, September 22

Dad invited the Browns to hear the missionary discussions next week. They said no. I was sure that they’d come—they’d be great Latter-day Saints! Now what do we do?

Monday, September 19

The Browns came over for family home evening again tonight. Mom gave a great lesson about loving our neighbors. I made the treats—graham crackers with chocolate frosting!

Sunday, September 18

More and Dad and I fasted today, even though it wasn’t fast Sunday. Dad says that if we fast, we’ll be able to get closer to Heavenly Father and He’ll help us in our missionary work . I hope so—Barbi still couldn’t come to Primary.

Saturday, September 17

Activity day was called “Peace Among All Nations Day,” and Barbi got to carry the Italian flag to represent Europe. I think she had fun. I sure did!

Friday, September 16

More and Dad took Mr. and Mrs. Brown to the ward dinner party tonight. It was just for adults, so Barbi and I stayed home and made posters for our clubhouse.

Thursday, September 15

Barbi is going to go with me to the activity day!

Wednesday, September 14

We pray about our missionary work lots of times every day. I know that we need Heavenly Father’s help if we are going to be good missionaries. Barbi and I built a clubhouse in the backyard after school. She said she’d like to come to the activity day on Saturday, but she needs to ask her parents.

Monday, September 12

We checked out a video from the ward library and watched it at family home evening. It’s called “Our Heavenly Father’s Plan.” I’m pretty sure that my sister shows it to her new investigators. (Those are people who want to know more about the Church.) I’m learning a lot about being a missionary!

Sunday, September 11

I invited Barbi to go to Primary with me today. She couldn’t go because she was going to visit her grandma. Maybe next week. We’re having a Primary activity day on Saturday. I’m going to invite Barbi.

Saturday, September 10

I wrote a letter to Nancy today. She’ll be happy about our missionary work. I wonder how she gets people to teach on her mission.

Friday, September 9

Tonight was great! More and Dad showed them the slides, and we ate lots of popcorn. I think the Browns had a good time. After they left, we had a family prayer. I felt really good about our missionary work. I think we’re going to have someone ready to listen to the missionaries. Maybe it’ll be the Browns!

Thursday, September 8

Dad and I raked leaves for Mrs. Thompson across the street. She’s old and can’t do it for herself. Dad says that doing things for other people is part of missionary work. I think it made her happy. Her husband died last summer, so she needs help with some things, I guess she’s lonely too.

Wednesday, September 7

Dad invited the Browns to look at the slides from our camping trip to Maine last summer and have popcorn with us on Friday. They live next door, and Barbi Brown is my best friend. It would be great if they got baptized!

Tuesday, September 6

When I said my prayers this morning, I said a special prayer for our missionary work. I hope I can get one of my friends to join the Church. We need more girls in my Primary class!

Monday, September 5

Wow—we’ve decided to work as a family to have someone ready to hear the missionary discussions. The meetings will be right here at our house. Dad says that we don’t even have to know who that person is right now. We just need to pray, have faith, and do everything we can to help as many people as we can to know about the Church. If we do, Heavenly Father will help us.

Sunday, September 4

My sister Nancy is on a mission, and she says I, Erin Christensen, should start writing a journal, so here it is.

Today President Schultz spoke in church. He’s our stake president. Mom and Dad got really excited about his talk. It was about the rewards of being member missionaries. More says we’ll talk about it in family home evening tomorrow.

Filed under: Lesson 25: I Can Be a Missionary, , ,

Me? A Missionary Now?

By Alma J. Yates

I can be a missionary now. I don’t have to wait until I’m grown. (Children’s Songbook, page 168).

Me? A Missionary Now?

I had always planned to be a missionary, but I’d figured on waiting till I was older so I could get sent to Mexico, Africa, Russia, or some other far-off place. Turning me into a nine-year-old missionary was Sister Munn’s fault. She started talking in Primary opening exercises about the sons of Mosiah, the Apostle Paul, and Heber C. Kimball. Then, after church, we bumped into each other in the hall and she said, “You look like you’re eager to be a missionary, Benjamin. Are you?”

Well, my oldest brother, Matt, was a missionary in Spain, and I planned to be like him, so I grinned and nodded. “I wouldn’t mind going to Spain in about ten years. Matt thinks it’s pretty nice there.”

Sister Munns smiled. “Benjamin,” she said, getting real serious, “you don’t have to wait ten years. You can be a missionary now. You have some new neighbors moving in next door, and I don’t believe they’re members of the Church. Would you be willing to share the gospel with your new neighbors, just as your brother is sharing it in Spain?”

“I’m a little young,” I mumbled. “I don’t know what to say or how to say it.”

“The Lord says we’re a peculiar people,” Sister Munns explained. “That means that we’re different. People want to know why we’re different. Part of being a missionary is telling people why we’re different. Will you do that, Benjamin?”

“Sure,” I said. “I can do that.”

“Who are our new neighbors, and when do they move in?” I asked Mom as I ate Sunday dinner.

“They’re a young couple,” Mom answered. “His name is Conrad, and his wife’s name is Tricia. He just finished law school.”

“I told Sister Munns that I’d be a missionary and share the gospel with them,” I said. My whole family stopped eating. “How can I do it?” I asked.

My big brother James smiled. “Well, if you were like Ammon in the Book of Mormon, you could be their servant.”

“Huh?” I grunted. “Sister Munns didn’t say anything about being a servant. Isn’t that kind of like being a slave?”

Mom laughed. “James means that you can make friends with them by helping them. After they know that you care about them, you’ll be able to share the gospel with them.”

When the moving van showed up, I was a little afraid to make my first move as a missionary, but since I’d promised Sister Munns, I had to try. “Hello,” I said a little shakily, holding out my hand to Tricia, who was trying to decide which box to haul into the house next. “My name is Benjamin Tripp. I live next door.”

Tricia smiled and shook my hand. “Conrad,” she called, “come meet our next-door neighbor, Benjamin Tripp.”

“Well, Benjamin Tripp, it’s great to know you,” Conrad said, shaking my hand. He was a big, tall man with lots of thick brown hair and a huge, friendly smile. I liked him right away.

“Most people just call me Ben,” I mumbled. “I came over to … well, you know, to be your … servant.”

Conrad and Tricia grinned. “That sounds great,” Conrad said. “I could use a good servant right about now. Why don’t you start hauling some of these boxes into the house?”

I grabbed a big box off the lawn and started for the house. The box was heavy, and I couldn’t exactly see where I was going. I was thinking that there were four steps up to the front door, but there were five. I hit that fifth step and fell flat on my face, dropping the box and hearing a crash.

“We won’t worry about a few dishes,” Tricia said, smiling and patting me on the back. “Conrad breaks them all the time.”

“I do?” Conrad asked, giving her a funny look.

I tried to be more careful after that, and I did pretty well until I carried a chair to the dining room. I had to squeeze between stacks of boxes. One of the chair legs bumped a box, and it fell with a thud and a bunch of books fell out of it. I had them all put back by the time Conrad and Tricia came charging into the dining room.

Conrad took a deep breath. “I tell you what, Ben,” he said slowly, putting his hand on my shoulder. “I appreciate your being our servant and all, but maybe you could serve someplace else this afternoon.” He smiled. “Like over at your house.”

I thought a minute and then asked, “Are you hungry? If you’re hungry, I can bake some really good chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.”

“Have you ever made cookies?” Conrad asked suspiciously.

“I don’t have to make them. Mom already made the dough. All I have to do is put the blobs of dough on the pan and bake them.”

“I could use a cookie,” Conrad said. “You will bake them at your house, won’t you?”

It didn’t take me long to plop gobs of dough onto a cookie sheet and put them into the oven. They were supposed to bake twelve minutes, so I went into the family room and played on the computer.

“What’s burning?” I heard Mom exclaim.

I charged into the kitchen. The tops of the cookies were fine. I discovered that if I put the cookies on a plate just right, you hardly noticed that they were black on the bottom.

“Those are fine looking cookies,” Tricia said happily as I handed her the plate.

Conrad grabbed a cookie and bit down on it. Nothing happened. At least nothing happened to the cookie. It might have hurt Conrad’s teeth a little, though. He studied the cookie, turning it over.

“They got a little burnt,” I explained, fidgeting. “But if you just chew the tops off, they’re pretty good. Do you want me to make you a different batch? Mom has dough for sugar cookies.”

Conrad held up the cookie in his hand and pointed to the plate of cookies with the other hand. “No, Ben, I think this will keep us for a while. Thanks for thinking about us, though.”

I was about to leave when I spotted Conrad’s truck all covered with mud. “Your truck’s dirty.”

Conrad nodded, gnawing on the top of a cookie. “I’ll have to spray it off one of these days.”

Right then I got an idea. If I was going to be Conrad’s servant, I’d serve even when he didn’t ask.

Early the next morning I sprayed the mud and dirt off the truck. I was hiding in the bushes when Conrad hurried out the front door, dressed in his suit and carrying a briefcase. He stopped in front of the truck and smiled. “Well, I’ll bet Ben’s been here. It comes in right handy having a servant.”

Conrad opened the truck door, tossed his briefcase inside and sat down. Immediately he let out a yelp and shot out of the truck, banging his head on the door. “The seat’s soaked!”

I caught my breath. The windows had been rolled up last night … ! I hunkered down in the bushes. Tricia came out of the house with a towel and helped dry Conrad off. He was fuming and sputtering, but Tricia calmed him down. “Everything will dry out fine,” she assured him. “Ben was just trying to help.”

“Maybe he shouldn’t try so hard.”

It was late that evening before I dared go over to apologize. “I’m sorry about the truck seat,” I said when Conrad answered the door. “I was sure the windows were all up when I went home last night.”

“They were,” Conrad replied, smiling slightly. “I guess I left mine open after we went out for ice cream. It’s OK—I think everything dried out.”

For a little while I stayed and talked to him and Tricia. I decided to ask my first missionary question. “Do you know what makes me different?” I asked slowly.

Conrad and Tricia looked at each other and smiled. “I have some ideas,” Conrad answered.

“I’m a Latter-day Saint. Some people call us Mormons,” I said excitedly. “And Mormons are different. Do you know any Mormons?”

“I had a friend in college who was a Mormon.”

“Was he like me?”

“He didn’t go around knocking over boxes, burning cookies, and flooding my truck.” Conrad winked at me and grinned. “Maybe he just wasn’t a very good Mormon.”

“That isn’t what I meant,” I said, feeling my cheeks and neck burn with embarrassment. “That’s just me. Mom says I’m growing faster than my brain can operate.” I swallowed. “If you want to know more about Mormons, you just let me know.”

Tricia smiled and took Conrad’s hand. “We’ll do that, Ben.”

The rest of the week I was pretty careful about not being a disaster around Tricia and Conrad. I mainly just talked to them without touching anything. I talked about our family, about Matt serving his mission in Spain, about family home evening and reading the scriptures, and other things.

Saturday afternoon as Conrad was fixing his lawn mower, I asked, “Do you and Tricia go to church much?”

Conrad thought a moment, then shook his head. “I get pretty busy on Sunday.” He grinned. “That’s when the fish bite.”

“I like going to church,” I said. “We sing and tell stories.”

“I’m afraid the singing and storytelling would scare the fish away.” Conrad laughed, slapping me on the back. “Right now I need to get some big fat night crawlers so that I’ll be ready for tomorrow.”

I didn’t want Conrad going fishing on Sunday, but if he needed night crawlers, I knew where to get him some. I went out in our garden and pretty soon I had a dozen of the biggest, fattest worms a guy could find. “Here are your night crawlers,” I said as he put his lawn mower away. “Dad says our night crawlers are the best around.”

He took my tin can filled with dirt and worms. “Well, thanks, Ben. You’re a real pal.” He winked at me. “And you didn’t even burn them.”

I missed having Conrad and Tricia in church Sunday. I thought about him out on the lake, fishing with my worms. We got home from church just as he pulled up in his truck.

“You were right, Ben. Those were great night crawlers. I pulled in half a dozen of the best fish I’ve seen in a long time.”

I kept visiting Conrad and Tricia, but not because I was a missionary—Conrad finally had told me that he didn’t think he’d ever have time for church. I kept visiting them because I was their friend.

I helped them out when I could, and I was getting better about not being a disaster as soon as I walked through their door. I still had a few accidents—like the time I knocked Conrad’s grape juice all over his white shirt. There were good times, though, like when I helped Tricia plant her flowers, and when I helped Conrad dig postholes for a back fence.

The Saturday afternoon before our Primary put on the sacrament meeting presentation, I took Conrad his can of worms. He and Tricia were in the backyard, sipping lemonade. “I guess you’re going fishing tomorrow, aren’t you?” I asked as I set the can down.

Conrad peered into my can. “If you have some of your famous night crawlers, I should come home with a real trophy tomorrow. Do you want to come with me?” He grinned.

“We’re putting on a special presentation tomorrow in sacrament meeting,” I said softly, ducking my head. “I’m going to be Joseph Smith. That’s kind of like the main part. You could give the fish a rest,” I said hopefully. “They’d have a week to grow even bigger.” I looked up at him and then over at Tricia. She was looking at Conrad, too. “Then you could come to church with me.”

Conrad took my can of worms and turned it around in his hand, thinking but not saying anything for a while. “Ben, what difference does it make if I go to church with you?”

I thought about that. “You’re my friend,” I finally said. “I care about you. And going to church is better than going fishing on Sunday.”

“I’m not much of a church man, Ben. I’ve just never done it.”

“But you need it. Lots more than you need those fish. After a while, the fish will be gone. But if you have Jesus and His church, you’ll have them forever.”

“It means a lot to you, doesn’t it, Ben?”

I nodded and looked down at the ground. For a long time we were all really quiet. Then he handed me the can of worms. “Just one Sunday,” he said, trying to sound real stern. “And I’ll go just because you’re going to be Joseph Smith.” He smiled. “Now, if you put those back in your garden, do you think you can find them again for next Sunday?”

I hesitated and looked at Tricia. She winked at me and then said to Conrad, “Maybe after you go to church with Ben tomorrow, you won’t want those worms next Sunday.”

“That’s what I’m hoping,” I said with a huge smile. “Who knows, maybe the fish bite even better on Saturday. That way I could go with you.”

Conrad laughed as Tricia reached over and took his hand. “I think everybody needs a servant like our Benjamin Tripp.”

Filed under: Lesson 25: I Can Be a Missionary, , ,

Nine-Year-Old Member Missionary

By Ashley Callister, age 9

Merced First Ward Merced California Stake

Listen to the still small voice! (Children’s Songbook, page 107.)

A wonderful lady in my town served as an elementary school principal for several years. She was the principal for all of my six brothers and sisters. One night she came to our house for a meeting. She was running for supervisor of our county. After the meeting I asked her if she had a Book of Mormon. She told me that she didn’t have one, but she would like one.

Three weeks later I went to a missionary fireside. The missionaries told me to take a Book of Mormon and give it to a nonmember friend. I took one but didn’t know who to give it to. Then the Holy Ghost whispered to me the name of the principal who had been at my house.

I told my dad that I wanted to take the Book of Mormon to her. I marked in it one of my favorite scriptures—1 Nephi 3:7 [1 Ne. 3:7]. Dad took me to her house after the fireside, and I gave it to her.

A month later, when the missionaries came to our house for dinner, they asked me if I knew anyone that they could visit. I told them about the nice lady I had given the Book of Mormon to. I told them her name, phone number, and address.

The next time the missionaries came to dinner, they said that they had visited the woman I’d told them about, and they had a feeling that someday she would join the Church!

Filed under: Lesson 25: I Can Be a Missionary, , ,

I Can Live with My Father in Heaven Again

Filed under: Family, Lesson 25: I Love My Whole Family, , , , ,

Jesus with Children

Jesus with Children

Filed under: Jesus, Lesson 5: Jesus Christ Showed Us How to Love Others, Lesson 6: Heavenly Father and Jesus Love Me, , , ,

What Makes a Dad

What Makes a DadGod took the strength of a mountain,
The majesty of a tree,
The warmth of a summer sun,
The calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature,
The comforting arm of night,
The wisdom of the ages,
The power of the eagle’s flight,
The joy of a morning in spring,
The faith of a mustard seed,
The patience of eternity,
The depth of a family need,
Then God combined these qualities,
When there was nothing more to add,
He knew His masterpiece was complete,
And so,

He called it … Dad

Author Unknown

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By Julie Wardell

Julie Wardell, “Blessings,” Friend, Nov. 1990, 33

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints brings you blessings. You and your family can play a game to help you remember some of these blessings.


1.Mount it on heavy paper, and cut out the picture cards. Put the cards into a paper sack.

Filed under: Lesson 21: We Receive Great Blessings as Members of Jesus Christ’s Church,


Abinadi baptism Being obedient book of mormon brothers and sisters Building a Testimony Christmas Poem Conference Coloring Activity Conference coloring page ears easter Easter coloring page easter story eyes faith family family coloring page family home evening family responsibility Father's Day first vision friends holy ghost I am a Child of God I am thankful for my ears I am Thankful for my Eyes I love my family joseph smith keep the sabbath day holy kindness King Benjamin lds missionaries Lesson 1: I Am a Child of God Lesson 3: Obtaining the Brass Plates Lesson 5: Lehi and His Family Are Led through the Wilderness Lesson 10: King Benjamin Teaches His People Lesson 12: The House Built on a Rock Lesson 20: Parable of the Good Samaritan Lesson 20: The Holy Ghost Helps Us Know the Truth Lesson 21: Jesus Christ Heals Ten Lepers Lesson 22: The Atonement of Jesus Christ Lesson 23: The Good Shepherd Lesson 24: I Love My Brothers and Sisters Lesson 24: The Lord Helps Missionaries Lesson 25: I Can Be a Missionary Lesson 26: Families Can Be Together Forever Lesson 29: Jesus Christ’s Triumphal Entry and the Last Supper Let Your Light Shine lost sheep love one another make right choices missionaries missionary activity missionary work mother's day card nauvoo pray prayer President Hinckley President Howard W. Hunter priesthood prophets Sacrament search the scriptures smell temple temple coloring page temples temple sharing time Testimony thankful The Atonement and Resurrection the comforter The Good Samaritan word of wisdom