LDS Lesson Ideas

Rainier Oregon Stake

President Spencer W. Kimball Crossword

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Keeping Fit

Filed under: Lesson 16: I Have a Body, , ,

Courage ~ Come Listen to a Prophet’s Voice

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27.)
When you are baptized, you take upon you the name of Jesus Christ. It takes great courage to honor that name by all you do and all you say. President Gordon B. Hinckley has written about that kind of courage.
As members of the Church, we . . .  [are] set apart from the world. . . .  (Latter-day Saints)  may know discouragement and heartache as they explain their Church membership to family and friends. . . . The price of discipleship is personal courage. . . .
There is no more poignant (touching) picture in all history than that of Jesus in Gethsemane and upon the cross, alone: the Redeemer of mankind, the Savior of the world, bringing to pass the Atonement.
I remember being with President Harold B. Lee (1899–1973) in the Garden of Gethsemane in Jerusalem. We could sense, if only in a very small degree, the terrible struggle that took place there, a struggle so intense . . . that blood
came from every pore (see Luke 22:44; Doctrine and Covenants 19:18). . . . We recalled that evil men laid brutal hands upon the Son of God. We recalled that lonely figure on the cross, crying out in anguish, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46). Yet, courageously, the Savior of the world moved forward to bring about the Atonement in our behalf. . . .
I think of a friend whom I knew when I was a missionary in London many years ago. He came to our door through the rain one night. I answered his knock and invited him in. He said, as I remember,“I have to talk to someone.
I’m all alone.” I asked what the problem was.
He said, “When I joined the Church, my father told me to get out of his house and never come back. . . . Last month my boss fired me because I am a member of this Church. And last night the girl I love said she would never marry me because I’m a Mormon.”
I said, “If this has cost you so much, why don’t you leave the Church and go back to your father’s home, . . . to the job that meant so much to you, and marry the girl you think you love?”
He said nothing for what seemed a long time. Then, putting his head in his hands, he sobbed as if his heart would break. Finally he looked up through his tears and said, “I couldn’t do that. I know this is true, and if it were to cost me my life, I could not give it up.” He picked up his wet hat and walked to the
door and went out into the rain. . . . I should like to say to . . . young men and
women of the Church, that I hope you may come to know inner personal courage. . . .

It takes resolution to be virtuous when those around you scoff at virtue. It takes commitment to abstain from [drugs and alcohol] when those
around you scoff. . . . It takes love in our hearts to speak in peaceful testimony of the divinity of the Lord Jesus Christ to those who would mock
Him and belittle and demean Him.
There will be times that demand courage for each of us. . . . Each of us is to live with his or her testimony. Unless we do, we will be miserable
and dreadfully alone. . . . Yet while there may be . . . heartache, even heartbreak, there can be peace and comfort and strength from the Lord for those who follow Him. . . .
The Lord [has promised]: “I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up” (Doctrine and Covenants 84:88). . . .
May we go forward with our righteous convictions.
May we walk in truth and in faith and in love. For if we do so, we will be upheld and strengthened by the Lord.


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Confernce Time

Some families have traditions as they prepare for and listen to general conference. Do you have any conference traditions? We’d like to hear about them. Turn to page 48 for contact information.

We talk about King Benjamin’s speech to the Nephites. The whole kingdom gathered and turned their tents toward the prophet. So we created a tent in the living room facing the television. We love sitting in the tent and listening to the prophet.

–Griffith Family

We like to play gospel bingo. We print bingo cards with gospel topics and then we put a bean or a piece of candy on the squares when speakers mention the topics. It helps us pay attention and have fun.

–Johnston Family

We use coloring pages to color in the tie of the General Authority who is speaking. We enjoy coloring the ties the same color as those of the General Authorities.

–Rutz Family

We always have a puzzle set up in the living room, where we watch general conference. We like to piece together the puzzle while the General Authorities speak. It keeps us focused.

–Barnes Family

We like the general conference notebook that we can print from The activities are great, and we are able to discuss what we learn at conference in family home evening.

–Guymon Family

We make a breakfast casserole Saturday night and bake it in the morning. This is the only time in the year when we eat together with the television on, which makes it special.

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Conference Squares (Bingo)

Pdf Version

Conference Bingo page 1

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Conference Coloring page 3


Filed under: Coloring Pages, Conference Coloring Activity, Missionary, , ,

Conference Coloring page 2

Conference Activity

Filed under: Baptism, Color by Number, Conference Coloring Activity, , ,

Conference Coloring Page 1



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Prepare for General Conference Online Games

Prophets and Apostles  Online matching game.

Latter-day Prophets  Online matching game.




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It’s the Law

By T. S. Hettinger

(Based on a true incident)
He that keepeth the laws of God hath no need to break the laws of the land (D&C 58:21).

“So, Christopher, what did you do in Primary today?” Dad asked after church.

“We talked about being honest,” Christopher answered. “And we worked on the Articles of Faith. I have all but the thirteenth memorized.”

“Good for you!” Dad said. “Mom and I are really pleased that you’re learning them.” He looked at Sarah. “What did you do today, honey?”

“We ate crackers, and we sang songs, and I colored this picture for you.”

“It’s beautiful, Sarah. Thank you.” Dad pulled his keys out of his pocket, unlocked the car, and opened the door. “Get yourselves strapped in. Mom will be here soon.”

“Why do I have to wear a seat belt?” Christopher asked as he and Sarah buckled up.

Before Dad could answer, Sarah added, “Why do I have to sit in a car seat? I’m not a baby.”

Dad smiled. “There are two reasons. First, we use seat belts and car seats because they will protect us if we are in an accident. Second, we do it because it’s the law and we obey the law.”

“I know lots of people who don’t wear seat belts,” Christopher protested.

“Whether to wear a seat belt or not is each person’s own choice, but they have to live with the consequences,” Dad explained. “That’s part of Heavenly Father’s plan.”

“Oh, Dad,” Christopher laughed. “Heavenly Father doesn’t care about seat belts.”

“Or car seats,” Sarah chimed in.

“You don’t think so?” Dad asked. “Christopher, let me hear you say the twelfth article of faith.”

“‘We believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring, and sustaining the law.’”

“Very good. Now, what does it mean?”

“It means that we believe it’s OK to have a president or a king or something like that—right?”

“That’s part of it,” Dad said, “but it also means that we believe in obeying the laws set by the president or king or whoever is in the government. And I believe that that applies to laws about seat belts and car seats.”

Just then Mom came. “Sorry to keep you waiting,” she said. “We can go now.”

“Not until you fasten your seat belt,” Sarah told her.

“It’s the law, you know,” Christopher added, “and we believe in obeying the law.”

Filed under: Lesson 31: I Will Obey the Law, , ,


Abinadi baptism Being obedient book of mormon brothers and sisters Building a Testimony Christmas Poem Conference Coloring Activity Conference coloring page ears easter Easter coloring page easter story eyes faith family family coloring page family home evening family responsibility Father's Day first vision friends holy ghost I am a Child of God I am thankful for my ears I am Thankful for my Eyes I love my family joseph smith keep the sabbath day holy kindness King Benjamin lds missionaries Lesson 1: I Am a Child of God Lesson 3: Obtaining the Brass Plates Lesson 5: Lehi and His Family Are Led through the Wilderness Lesson 10: King Benjamin Teaches His People Lesson 12: The House Built on a Rock Lesson 20: Parable of the Good Samaritan Lesson 20: The Holy Ghost Helps Us Know the Truth Lesson 21: Jesus Christ Heals Ten Lepers Lesson 22: The Atonement of Jesus Christ Lesson 23: The Good Shepherd Lesson 24: I Love My Brothers and Sisters Lesson 24: The Lord Helps Missionaries Lesson 25: I Can Be a Missionary Lesson 26: Families Can Be Together Forever Lesson 29: Jesus Christ’s Triumphal Entry and the Last Supper Let Your Light Shine lost sheep love one another make right choices missionaries missionary activity missionary work mother's day card nauvoo pray prayer President Hinckley President Howard W. Hunter priesthood prophets Sacrament search the scriptures smell temple temple coloring page temples temple sharing time Testimony thankful The Atonement and Resurrection the comforter The Good Samaritan word of wisdom